Upload & Share Your Files

Upload your Images, documents, music, and video in a single place and access them anywhere and share them everywhere.

te Files
Earn Money
Earn Money

Our platform allow you to upload files and earn money for each download. Earn Money by Sharing Files.

Live Statistic
Live Statistic

File stats provide information on each file you’ve uploaded to our platform, such as number of downloads, and your earnings.

Simple Upload
Simple Upload

Simply upload a file, share the link and anyone can download it. All files are encrypted when stored on our servers.

24 / 7 Support
24 / 7 Support

Customers can get help and find answers to questions as soon as they come up

Huge Servers
Huge Servers

Our service has a Huge Servers with large storage space

Our Features

Earn Money feature is not working at the moment. Therefore, if you are looking for a platform from which you can earn money by sharing files, I advise you not to register now. It is possible that this feature will be activated in the future.

How it Works


Upload Your Files

Click on upload button and select your file or drag any file to upload box to start your upload. You can set password to protect your files.


Share Download Link

When file upload completes, you will get an link that you can share with your community. Send them via integrated mail system or by yourself.


Manage Them

Manage your files, delete or re-share them with your community. Just keep in mind that your files should be legal and should not violate any copyright or law.


Common FAQ Questions

Yes, you can use teFiles for free. teFiles's Free plan provides the most basic features. If you need more, you can always upgrade to a higher plan.

Yes, we have a free plan and it renewed automatically. Users will get notified when free subscription has been renewed.

Yes, you can upgrade the plan before your current plan expires. But you will lose all the features in your current plan and move to the new plan. The new plan period will be calculated and the old period removed.

When the paid plan expired. All subscription data will be deleted after 7 days.

Upload Files

Drag and drop your files or click here to upload

You can also browse files from your device

Edit file details

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